
Best Chess Books Ever Written!!!

I would like to buy a chess book for 1700+ players. What kind of chess books are there and what do they do? Please recommend some great chess books!
I liked Jeremy Silman's "How to Reassess Your Chess 4th Edition". This book teaches you to win using chess imbalances. It was a bit complex for me since my USCF rating was around 1200 when I read it, and it is more targeted towards 1400-2200. Now I want to reread it now that you brought books up and my rating has improved since then.
@Sungjin #1

Well, i'm just an advancing amateur which is a funny euphemism for patzer.

But you might take a look at "Zoom 001 Zero Hour for Operative Chess Opening Models" by Bent Larsen.

Most of the games can be found here:

For the TOC, concept etc. see

About the author: and

See also as well as

Please note that Larsen had a strange king of humour. The book isn't "Zero Hour...".

And it isn't just a book about the Grünfeld. It's more about intersections between different systems or approaches, as you like.

You need to memorize the 8 submodels and play through 451 GM games.

Regards, Karl

@CM Sarg0n #2

"Move First Think Later"

Yes sure. This is the way i do it. But it doesn't work as expected.

Soviet Chess Primer by Ilya Maizelis- not sure what "rating" it is targeted to but it helped me understand a lot of important things (I am still reading parts of it)
Я приобщился к шахматам через "300 партий" З. Тарраша (Dreihundert Schachpartieen, gespielt und erlautert von Dr. Siegbert TARRASCH) Живая, острая, не засушенная игра мастеров конца 19 ст., остроумные комментарии. Мой знакомый, довольно крепкий CM, мне сказал, что более всего ему понравился разбор партий Акибы Рубинштейна ( Rubinsten Akiba) в книге Мурахвери с комментариями GM Ю. Разуваева (Razuvaev Yuri).
Книг по шахматам много, и тупых среди них нет. Но будем честны перед собой и скажем, что ценность шахматной книги более всего определяется нашими собственными усилиями, затраченными при изучении её.
@jujugaga #8

BTW, in the foreword Tarrasch mentions (proudly) that he received the honorific title "Praeceptor Germaniae" by some german journalist. Holy jesus! This tone is something you need to withstand for now.

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