
Bug: Navigating to lobby caused a loss

My opponent was taking forever to start his side of the game, so I went back to the lobby to search for another game in the meantime (did not hit resign, or abort... just went to the lobby via navigation)

Previously I've had 2-3 live games going on simultaneously without issue.

I've done this plenty of times before without an issue, but this time it caused a loss.
If you navigate away from the page, your opponent may claim a victory (or a draw).
My opinion is that it seems a bit unfair to be able to claim a win before you have made your move. Claiming a win is a much appreciated function against ragers and a must have, but it should start counting after you made your own move so lichess or web notification gives the player a chance to get back as in the chase of #1

Also if it this were ever to happen to me i'd like to go to Lichess TV and wait for the move, expecting a notification. But as it is now i should probably not do this.

If this is changed so one could go watch LCTV or something, please notify. Best Regards

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