
How did you learn to play chess?

This is my story:

About 7 months ago, I played a game against my grandpa (he is really good at chess) and it got in my head that chess is really interesting and I started learning it. Firstly I learned about all the rules and then, learned the openings and how to play the opening faze. I was literally learning all about the opening and could play them amazingly. Then I practiced some basic endgames like king+rook and queen+rook. I also played a lot of chess games in that period. Then like 3 months ago I joined a chess course and was really good there. My rapid increase in games came about half a month ago when I watched the whole "Beginner to chess master" playlist by Chess Network. It has really improved my games. Now I mostly analyze games and use tactics trainer. And after 7 months of playing chess I became 2nd best chess player under 15 in my region.
whats your rating?and what is the rating of the first player of your region?
It was a rainy day in 1971. I was a child stuck at home with nothing to do. I decided to go to the attic of our old farm in the french countryside. It was full of old things from several generations before, old clothes, old tools, many many old books, a lot of dust.
I found an almanac from the 50's with the rules of chess in it.
I had no chess set, so later I made one from clay.
In the Sunday newspaper, there was a chess column. They were talking about a new guy named Bobby Fischer.
it was a scary night back in 2017.i was a child staying home playing with my phone.then,suddenly,an app was a app which was about chesscom.but who cares about that?i was already playing chess on lichess. :)
I was locked in a cold, dark cellar for most of my early life. My captor was a Catholic priest who had convinced my wayward mother to hand me over to the church, to save her parents and the church embarrassment. The priest used to touch me all over and I remember the day he told me I had lumps on my skull, like the buds of a goat's horns. The priest told me I should learn to "play chess to save my soul" and so I did. I died the following week.......and I'm still crap.
My father taught me the moves when I was 4yo. Throughout my childhood we kept playing, he would give me material odds, first Queen and both rooks, then gradually giving less until finally playing on equal material. I finally won him when I was around 11yo, it was a back rank mate with a rook.

I first learned the rules from my dad when I was young, but at the time I wasnt that interested, so thats about all I learned. It wasnt until several years later that I stumbled upon videos on youtube analyzing "immortal" games, which for some reason, I found to be extremely beautiful and inspirational. I started playing on and improved quickly, but not long after, I of course switched to lichess :)
I learned the rules early on, I think from my dad, but I never played. I'd do an occasional (once every decade, pretty much) game against friends. Then I learned an online friend knew a little about Chess. I ended up beating her a couple games, and found it was kinda fun. There was a lull in play for a couple years, then early this year I started playing to improve, rather than to just play.

Chess is more complicated than it appeared.
My mother taught me to play when I would describe as "extremely young". I'm intentionally not specifying the age.

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