
Does black win, or is it a draw?

It is winable.

I probably didn't find the most elegant or perfect way, but it was sufficient:

[Variant "From Position"]
[FEN "3K4/8/2P5/8/8/1P6/P7/5qk1 b - - 0 1"]

1... Qf8+ 2. Kd7 Qf7+ 3. Kd8 Qd5+ 4. Kc7 Kf2 5. Kb6
Qd8+ 6. c7 Qc8 7. a4 Ke3 8. a5 Kd4 9. Kc6
Kc3 10. a6 Qxa6+ 11. Kd7 Qb7 12. Kd8 Qb6 13. Kd7
Qd4+ 14. Kc8 Qb6 15. b4 Kc4 16. Kd7 Qb7 17. Kd8
Qd5+ 18. Ke7 Qc6 19. b5 Qxc7+ 20. Ke6 Kxb5 21. Kf6
1...Qf6+ 2 Kd7 Qd4+ 3 Kc8 Qh8+ 4 Kb7 Qh1 5 Kb6 Kf2 6 c7 Qa8 7 a4 Ke3 8 a5 Kd4 9 b4 Kc4 10 b5 Kb4 11 a6 Kc4 12 a7 Kb4 13 Ka6 Kc5 14 b6 Kc6 15 Ka5 Qb7 winning all pawns and mating.
The plan is simple: check with queen until the king stands in front of his most advanced pawn or the pawn is pinned. Then advance your King. Repeat to come gradually closer with your King. Finally win all the pawns.
You can see that black wins using an endgame tablebase. The Stockfish analysis feature here on lichess has one.

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