
sacriffice BOBBY FISCHER

alguna vez fischer a hecho un sacrificio
yo el q recuerdo fue el de arfil contra SPASKY, en ese momento me qede sin palabras
Hi Karl!

South spanish people says "arfil" instead of "alfil" (is a local fonetic variation: L < R)


Best regards, Lucila

This was called the blunder of the century in the first match game at Reykjavik world championship as Fischer loses his bishop, but later analysis has showed the Fischer could have reached a draw 39...e5! instead of 39...f5? The video is historically valuable, as Fischer explained his blunder by lack of concentration because he felt spied upon by the camera. For this grieve he forfeited the second game.

In the third game the camera was removed and despite his 0-2 start he won the match with 12.5-8.5 and became world champion.

After that he quit chess and only played one revanche match with Boris Spassky in 1992 in Sveti Stefan/Beograd defying the USA embargo and making him a fugitive, unable to re-enter the USA.
@lucila-solis #3


"...I begin to see it clearly now" (Colonel Haki)

Thank you very much for the kind explanation.

BTW, i name bishops as parsons in some of my posts.

Parson == Pfaffe in German.

Best regards, Karl

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