
Cached Eval Suggestion

I really love that the cached evaluation feature has been implemented.

I do have one suggestion.

If it's not too difficult, could it be tweaked so that once a position has a cached eval, it will be replaced if someone does a deeper search from the same position?

Right now the feature works great for positions not cached yet, but if I go to a position that shows a cached "cloud" eval, and do a deeper search, the results of the previous more shallow search will remain in cache, when I imagine it would be fairly easy to replace it with the new deeper one.

It might not be as easy as I assume it is, but it would certainly be nice if the deeper search replaced the more shallow one.

Thanks again for all you guys do for this site!
Bumping this suggestion.

After the report of the meeting in Paris, which mentioned an improvement to the cached eval system, I tested to see if maybe this suggestion was included.

I don't know if it was a coincidence, but some tests indicated that it was.

In recent tests I've only seen the original behavior.

Brand new positions get the analysis cached, but once that analysis is cached, it persists even if much deeper analysis of the same position is done.

It might be harder to implement than I think, but at any rate, I think it would be a fantastic improvement if deeper analysis of a position with a cached eval replaced the older, more shallow eval.

Thanks again for all your work!
This is a good idea, although multi-PV analyses are a bit more complicated since you may be asking for more variations than the server has cached!
Yeah, I'd only really expect it for single-PV, but if it also worked for multi-PV that would be even more fantastic :)

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