
People playing with queen

So lately I have been playing more and more against people that open their queen up and then use her to get into your backline and ultimately end the game that way.
For some reason, I panic and I don´t know what to do when I play against them, do you guys have advice or places where I can practice how to play against that?
I used to play with my Queen in the first moves of the game when I was even a worse player than now. Just calm down and develop your pieces attacking the opponent's queen.
The most common moves I've seen are: 1. e4 e5 2. Qh4
With black you should defend your pawn (2. ... Nc6). If the opponent plays 3. Bc4, trying to mate, then 3. ... g6, 4.Qf3 (another mate), Nf6.
You developed two pieces and you're ready to fianchetto you bishop, castling in the next move.
That's only an example, but remember: usually if the opponent moves the Queen in the very first move, you can build a great advantage :)
Generally the queen shouldn't find anything in your backline unless you carelessly overextended and pieces are not defending each other behind your pawn chain. My advice is to avoid this by develop and play with your pieces, avoid making committal pawn movements that could open up holes within your backline.
In addition, if you made this mistake and the queen infiltrates, forget what you're doing and try to reorganize your pieces within your backline first. Try to protect all the pieces before carrying on with whatever you planned.
Last but not least, try to trap the enemy queen if possible, this could happen more than you may think (for example, the Poisoned Pawn scenarios)
Minimum every fifth game, people try to mate me via the Scholar's Mate, it's a tragedie. I play only since January, so I remember the days when I panicked very well. The best thing in such case: Have enough time on the clock. Then just think, what he actually threatens. Think about, if you can develop pieces while defending, then you get the advantage one player above mentioned. If you stay calm (and it's dangerous as a beginner, but one has to take his time), the rival often even blunders his queen...
Analyse at least these games with Stockfish, it will suggest exactly the right moves. Sometimes one does not think properly and loses e.g. the kings pawn, because one developed the wrong knight first, now the king is in check, just develop the bishop. Not nice, but if one stays calm, one can often manage to win these games, even if one has blundered in the opening.
Just follow these steps: Calm down, analyse his threat, develop pieces, so not he, but you gain an advantage, analyse after the game (especially if you did something wrong or still feel uncomfortable, not knowing, if you played the best moves).
All the best
Most of the time it is weak to bring out your queen early. However there are times when bringing the queen out early can be very powerful.

1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 f6 3. Nxe5 fxe5 4. Qh5+ for instance is very strong for white if black plays this badly.
This is why against e4 you dont play e5 and expect Italian game or Ruy Lopez, because most people here are to aggressive .. you play e6 (French defense) or c5 (Sicilian)... He is not gonna take his queen out immediately then... and you can develop you pieces...
So I suggest you to look up this two openings as black for first move e4 by white....
@TerribleGM e5 is a perfectly acceptable response to 1.e4
Italian, Spanish, and Scotch are all very much playable for both sides. Hate those King's gambit games though.
@lurarose yes, and I like playing it... but on his level, everyone is going to start attacking with their queen, bishop... and try to mate after ..e5
So I was giving him advice how to avoid those lines... He said he panics when they do it...
There is no point in avoiding a good move 1...e5! for fear of a bad move 2 Qh5?
The best defence is given above: 2...Nc6 3 Bc4 g6 4 Qf3 Nf6 and black is better.
It is even possible to sacrifice the pawn: 2...Nf6 3 Qxe5+ Be7 followed by Nc6 and o-o, Re8. Black develops pieces while gaining time with attacks on the white Queen.

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