
Chess Training Partner

Hello, I am currently searching for someone to improve my chess with in order to prepare for a national tournament in the US. I am currently ~1800 USCF strength but I have not been able to play many OTB tournaments recently due to school. I do believe I am much stronger than this (probably around 1950 USCF).

Is anyone higher-rated (>= 50 either on lichess or IRL) than me willing to play practice games whenever possible between 8 - 12 PM GMT on weekdays and whenever Friday and Sunday.

The time control of these games is undecided at the moment but they will last for at least 30 mins. Joint analysis will occur after each game, therefore, you must speak English at least somewhat well.

If you are interested, DM me.

Thanks in advance.
I am weaker than you but I would like to play with you. Specially because of the joint analysis thing. I have never done that.
Yo should ask to SGM Manuel, he will probably be able to help you.
Unfortunately I only work with titled players above 2600 FIDE.

An exception could be made if you either:
A) Prove your chess potential towards improvement.
B) Pay a one-time fee of only $79.95 *

Good Luck in your chess.
May your stalemates be cruel and your draws a thousand moves long! **

*: One time fee is limited exclusively to 1(one) single game.
Joint analysis not included ($99.95 per game).
I reserve full rights to the redistribution of such game analysis.
Attempts at reselling my educational material will be punished and pursued to the fullest extent of the law.

**: Unless you take lessons from pro coaches:
I personally recommend
@Lance5500 @Kestony
Both have Youtube channels with game analysis.
Top-notch content 100% gluten-free

For chess resources to improve your chess mojo nothing beats Google-Fu.
But if you want a filter of the good stuff,

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