
Should Chess Have Affirmitive Action? Shouldn't we do more to combat racism in chess?

@cat_person I think I see what you're saying, but I think everyone, no matter what their race, is capable of succeeding in life and we shouldn't teach people that certain races need to have "easier hurdles" in the competition. They are capable of succeeding with the same standards as everyone else. Where they need help is to give them more opportunities early on in their life to encourage learning about science and technology.

I don't think we should ever accept the "government forcing everyone to be equal by changing the measurements at the end of the race" policies because they will eventually lead us down the path of Harrison Bergeron's.
"I think we need to do more to address racism and sexism in chess."

Yet still thoughts are free.

"Looking at the top 100 players, every single one is male, and almost every single one is of White European ancestry, with notable exceptions of Indians and East Asians."

Yes, but this phenomenon has absolutly nothing to do with racism and sexism. The statement smells a bit like some post-factual conspiracy theory which leads to something like: "Let's break the caucasian male supremacy in chess!"
Yes, we should force women, blacks, etc. to enjoy chess and be better at chess than their male, white counterparts.


"For example, maybe White Males can start the game with no queen. If that's not enough then maybe they have to play the game wearing headphones blaring painful screeching sounds. What do you think? "

Are you saying non-whites and females are so inferior that the only way for them to catch up to white males is by giving them a handicap? That's incredibly racist and sexist.


I like to think that threads like this are purely satire, but then I realize that some people are actually this stupid.

I'm not sure with this one.
The guy is comparing chess to affirmative action, he's either a mental midget or a troll
If he's a troll he's enjoying the negative feedback, but that's fine cause I kinda enjoyed calling him a mental midget :)
no one is comparing chess to affirmative action? one is a game, the other a liberal social policy. how can you be that stupid?
Dude_Perfect is a troll. Affirmative chess action is crazy. Well make african americans play basketball blindfolded to give crackers an edge i guess.
@CafeMorphy what you do is:
Step 1: Ignore the facts
Step 2: Use ad hominen attacks
Step 3: Call *them* a troll
*rolls eyes*

Meanwhile the real racist comes out and starts using racial slurs: @CaligulaFlora. You could only side with him if you embrace doublethink.

2017 is very Orwellian.

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