
How did you pick your lichess username?

How did you choose yours?

For me, I started with Patzer because I'm a weak player compared to most strong players.

GareBear because that is my silly nickname.

13 because it is my favorite number. I like 13 because since most people think it is unlucky, it is an underdog, like me.
My name is german and means carp head, but it's only a bad joke. It does not nearly sound like Kasparov or Karpov.
in the 70's there was a chess club in my city called Cafe Morphy owned by an older player I knew.
Of course like most chess clubs they made no money and had to close..
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I got told I got lucky all the time, so I made this name, it stopped real fast when I replied with "read my name"

I had been reading about the history of chess, and how the rook is named after the Persian word for chariot. I then associated this with one of my favourite Vangelis records, Chariots of Fire, and made a word play on that.
#8 Vangelis is amazing, been listening recently to the Alexander soundtrack :)
My name is kifaru and it means rhinoceros in Swahili.
I woke up one morning and I found everybody else had suddenly changed into rhinos.
I felt quite alone being the only human among these animals.
All these people became rhinos and they didn't think they had a problem.
They thought I had a problem.
So I had no choice

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