
An other 2100+ victim of the Tennison gambit

You have to be a gentleman to your opponent, but merciless to his king. Mocking, calling names, shaming etc. is not what chess is about. But I think the OP didn't mean to belittle his opponent's play but rather show how productive this gambit can be even against much stronger opponents.
An other win against a 2100+ with the Tennison:

This time my opponent was expecting 4.d3 as in the game above, so he premoved 4...Bf5?

Unfortunately for him, I played 4.Bc4 this time. 5.Bxf7+ followed and gave me an easy game, even for me.
it was only bullet so you cant say you won so well he has to make a move other wise he losses on time
thanks for the share, keep showings us please i enjoy watching this interesting gambit

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