
Comments section for opening and tactics trainers

Having a community of chess players commenting and answering questions about specific puzzles would really help some of us learn and improve. The comments sections on chesstempo may serve as a good model.

This may not be as useful for tactics puzzles, for which many questions can be answered using an engine. On the other hand, it's hard to discern why certain moves are strong when there aren't immediate tactical gains to be reaped.

I've started using the openings trainer more lately, and it is exposing some major weaknesses in my understanding of chess. In fact, I am plain bewildered by some of the solutions. Being able to pose questions, or see answers to those asked previously, would be a great help for me and others I'm sure!

Thank you!
I agree, this is a good idea. A Comments box on the side in the Openings problems would be instructive to many. Is it difficult to implement?
Concerning tactical puzzles, If I can't see a response to a move, I ussually play given position against strongest AI. This possibilitty is not on free chesstempo version.

But a comment box would be really helpful in the opening trainer...

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