
Training bug

The problem has an incorrect solution. After the first move there is a forced checkmate sequence in three moves. The right solution after 26. Nxd6+ Kd7 is 27. Qxf7+ Kc6 28. Qxb7+ Kc5 29. Rd5#
And puzzle goes 27. Nxb7+ Ke8 28. Nd6+
Certainly the puzzle is incorrect. Starting from the computer move Kd7 which allows Mate in 3. Probably computer confused the moves.

If Kd7 best move is Qxf7
If Kd8(best move) best move is Nxb7.

If you dont get answered here maybe messaging a moderator would work.
You guys should report this puzzle to the moderators. They will check if the puzzle is wrong and if it is wrong than the puzzle's popularity will go down to - 8000 something.
There are tons of puzzles with errors. A lot of the hard puzzles with high ratings are due to completely wrong solutions as opposed to being very difficult. However, I cannot find a way to report errors.

For example:

The solution is full of flaws.

1.Bxf6 Ng6 2.Nh5 gxf6 3.Rxa7??

Why would anyone play anything other than 3.Qxf6 with unstoppable mate on g7?

But wait, there's more!


Although still completely lost, Black can at least defend against immediate mate with 3...Qd6 or 3...Qd8.

4.Qxf6 Qxf2+ 5.Qxf2??

5.Rxf2 is mate next, but instead White withdraws his mating piece.

Why are these puzzles even allowed entry without verification?

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